Parking in the City of San Fernando plays a vital role in supporting residents, businesses, and visitors while maintaining accessibility and mobility throughout the community. As a historic and vibrant city, San Fernando is committed to balancing the need for convenient parking with efforts to enhance walkability, promote economic activity, and ensure public safety.
The City provides a mix of on-street parking, public parking lots, and designated spaces for residents and employees. Downtown San Fernando features time-limited and metered parking to encourage turnover and support local businesses, while residential neighborhoods benefit from permit parking programs designed to reduce congestion and improve quality of life. The Civic Center parking lot serves as a key facility for visitors accessing City Hall, the public library, and community events.
As the City continues to grow and evolve, strategic planning efforts—such as the Downtown Master Plan—aim to improve parking efficiency, explore shared-use opportunities, and integrate sustainable solutions, such as electric vehicle charging stations and bike-friendly infrastructure. By taking a proactive approach, San Fernando is ensuring that parking remains accessible, convenient, and aligned with the City’s long-term vision for a thriving and connected community.
Parking enforcement in the City of San Fernando is managed by the San Fernando Police Department and plays a crucial role in maintaining safe, accessible, and well-managed streets for residents, businesses, and visitors. The City enforces parking regulations to ensure compliance with time limits, permit requirements, and safety measures, helping to promote turnover in commercial areas, reduce congestion in residential neighborhoods, and improve overall traffic flow.
The San Fernando Police Department’s enforcement team focuses on key priorities such as ensuring ADA accessibility, preventing blocked driveways and fire hydrants, and upholding designated loading zones. Additionally, new regulations, including daylighting enforcement beginning April 1, 2025, will enhance visibility at intersections and improve pedestrian and driver safety. Violations may result in fines to encourage adherence to parking rules and support a fair and efficient parking system.
Through proactive enforcement and public awareness efforts, the San Fernando Police Department continues to enhance mobility, safety, and accessibility while fostering a thriving and well-organized community.
For urgent parking matters, for example someone blocking a driveway, please call the San Fernando Police Department’s Dispatch Center at (818) 898-1267.
Parking Citations may be paid at the San Fernando Police Department or City Hall (Administrative Services Counter) during regular business hours. If you have received a parking citation and wish to dispute it, you may do so online or US mail. Appeals must be submitted within 21 days, otherwise, your right to appeal will expire.
PO Box 2081, Tustin, CA 92781
Once you have appealed the citation and would like to provide additional information, please feel free to email
There is no street sweeping and parking enforcement on holidays.
Daylighting is the simple concept that safety is improved by removing parked cars next to crosswalks. Assembly Bill 413 prohibits the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle within 20 feet of the vehicle approach side of any unmarked or marked crosswalk or 15 feet of any crosswalk where a curb extension is present. An unmarked crosswalk is defined as being any path between street corners, or between a street corner and sidewalk only if there are curb ramps on both sides.
Iluminación Diurna es el simple concepto de que la seguridad mejora al eliminar los autos estacionados junto a los cruces peatonales. El Proyecto de Ley de la Asamblea 413 prohíbe parar, permanecer o estacionar un vehículo a menos de 20 pies (6 metros) al lado de aproximación de cualquier cruce peatonal, ya sea marcado o no, o menos de 15 pies (4.5 metros) de cualquier cruce peatonal donde haya una extensión de la acera. Se define un cruce peatonal no marcado como cualquier camino entre esquinas de calles o entre una esquina de calle y la acera, solo si hay rampas en la acera a ambos lados.
The goal of the new law is to improve safety of all roadway users by increasing visibility at intersections. By keeping the area next to crosswalks clear of parked vehicle obstructions, people walking and people driving or riding on the street can see each other better.
El objetivo de la nueva ley es mejorar la seguridad de todos los usuarios de la carretera al aumentar la visibilidad en las intersecciones. Al mantener despejada el área junto a los cruces peatonales, sin vehículos estacionados que obstruyan la vista, las personas que caminan y las que conducen o circulan por la calle pueden verse mejor entre sí.
Starting on January 1, 2025, drivers could get cited for violating this law in California. The City of San Fernando is providing a grace period on the issuance of citations to help inform and educate the community on these new State mandated parking requirements. Any vehicle parked in a ‘daylighting’ position before April 1, 2025 will be issued courtesy notice explaining the new law and directed them to visit SFCITY.ORG/Parking for more information.
A partir del 1ro de enero de 2025, los conductores podrían recibir una multa por violar esta ley en California. La Ciudad de San Fernando otorgará un período de gracia en la emisión de infracciones para informar y educar a la comunidad sobre estos nuevos requisitos de estacionamiento impuestos por el Estado. Cualquier vehículo estacionado en una posición de Iluminación Diurna antes del 1ro de abril de 2025 recibirá un aviso de cortesía explicando la nueva ley y se le dirigirá a visitar SFCITY.ORG/Parking para obtener más información.
Leave at least 20 feet (the length of one large car) between your car and marked or unmarked crosswalks (as shown in scenario 4). For curb extensions leave at least 15 feet between your car and the beginning of the curb extension (as shown in scenario 3).
Not leaving that clearance greatly reduces visibility 20 ft (as shown in scenarios 1 and 2).
Deje al menos 20 pies (aproximadamente el tamaño de un automóvil grande) entre su vehículo y los cruces peatonales, ya sean marcados o no (como se muestra en el escenario 4). Para las extensiones de la banqueta, deje al menos 15 pies entre su vehículo y el inicio de la extensión (como se muestra en el escenario 3).
No respetar esta distancia reduce significativamente la visibilidad (como se muestra en los escenarios 1 y 2).

910 First Street, San Fernando, CA 91340