City of San Fernando
tel. (818) 898-1200      117 Macneil Street, San Fernando, CA 91340
dark blue and white background; dark blue conversation bubble with "we have an app for that" text; download My San Fernando app; photo of smart phone displaying My San Fernando app
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The City of San Fernando often engages in legislative advocacy and takes positions on proposed State and Federal legislation to inform legislators on how the proposed bills will impact San Fernando residents and businesses. LEARN MORE

Find information on how to care for your four-legged friends, as well as tips for living with coyotes and mosquitos. LEARN MORE

Find all the current Request for Proposals (RFPs), Request for Quotes (RFQs), Notice Inviting Bids (NIBs), and Notices of Intent (NOAs). LEARN MORE

Begin your career with the City, or make a career change. Applications are currently being accepted a variety of positions.  Filing for all the positions vary, we strongly encourage you to apply. LEARN MORE

Updated listing of many of the completed, current, upcoming, and ongoing projects throughout the City of San Fernando along with contact information for the department that oversees each project. LEARN MORE
To help raise public awareness, the City Council recognizes particular topics, days, weeks, and months throughout the year. LEARN MORE
The City of San Fernando’s award-winning and nationally recognized arts-in-education program!   LEARN MORE
Learn more about the Local Transaction Tax (Measure “A” and “SF”).  CLICK HERE
The City of San Fernando is proud to provide the community with alternative sustainable fuel options. Visit one of our five Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations or our Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) filling station! LEARN MORE
The City Manager distributes a monthly report as a quick recap/forecast of City business to increase information flow so that the City Council, Commissioners, the City Manager, Department Heads and City Employees are well-informed on current and upcoming City-related issues. LEARN MORE
Keep current on all press releases distributed by the City of San Fernando. LEARN MORE
Get valuable information on public health advisories and help keep your family and community safe. LEARN MORE
Your response matters! Together we count, together we make a difference!  LEARN MORE
What types of development do you envision in Downtown San Fernando? LEARN MORE
What do you think about the Cannabis Industry coming to our city? LEARN MORE
The Palmdale to Burbank Project Section connects the Antelope Valley to the San Fernando Valley in Southern California. Two distinct high-speed rail corridors with multiple alignment options are currently being considered: SR 14 Corridor and East Corridor.

The City of San Fernando does not oppose the concept of a high-speed rail network for the state of California; however, it does oppose any proposed route through San Fernando. The San Fernando City Council continues to urge the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) to consider alternative routes. LEARN MORE

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) is continuing to monitor and update information on the Coronavirus. LEARN MORE


City of San Fernando’s Local Emergency Alert System, Alert San Fernando.  

Alert San Fernando uses both text and voice messages to keep residents informed about emergencies and important issues. LEARN MORE

Alert San Fernando Sign Up



The City of San Fernando wants to keep you informed about the current situations impacting the San Fernando area, as well as provide information on resources available to you during this time.


  • This incident is now in the command of Los Angeles County Fire and Angeles National Forest – the LAFD will no longer provide updates

For the latest updates on containment status, evacuation zones, and safety advisories, please visit

1/10/25; 3:55 pm

EVACUATION ORDER: All evacuation orders were LIFTED as of 1/9/25


  • 771 acres (adjusted down after formal mapping) with 70% containment
  • This incident is now in the command of Los Angeles County Fire and Angeles National Forest – the LAFD will no longer provide updates

For the latest updates on containment status, evacuation zones, and safety advisories, please visit

1/9/25; 10 am

The Hurst Fire remains under unified command with the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD), Angeles National Forest and Los Angeles County Fire. According to the CalFire website, this incident is 10% contained.  


For the latest updates on containment status, evacuation zones, and safety advisories, please visit

1/8/25; 1:54 pm 

The Hurst Fire remains under unified command with the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD), Angeles National Forest and Los Angeles County Fire. According to the LAFD website, there have been no structures damaged and no reported injuries.  


For the latest updates on containment status, evacuation zones, and safety advisories, please visit

Some locations may be impacted by a Public Safety Power Shutoff to prevent wildfires. To check the status of your location or report an issue, visit

If you encounter a downed power line, prioritize safety by staying far away and calling 911 immediately.

If you see a downed tree or large branches blocking roadways or posing a safety hazard:  

The app is available for download on both iOS and Android platforms and allows you to upload photos and share the exact location of the issue.


If your power is out and you need a comfortable place to relax, charge your devices, use the restroom, and enjoy water, light snacks and games, visit one of our Community Relief Centers. They will be open today until 9 pm.  


  • Recreation Park – 208 Park Ave, San Fernando
  • Las Palmas Park – 505 S. Huntington St, San Fernando


If your power is out and you need a comfortable place to relax, charge your devices, use the restroom, and enjoy water, light snacks and games, visit one of our Community Relief Centers. They will be open today until 11 pm.  


  • Recreation Park – 208 Park Ave, San Fernando
  • Las Palmas Park – 505 S. Huntington St, San Fernando

If you need to evacuate, the Ritchie Valens Recreation Center, located at 10736 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Pacoima, is available to provide shelter; (818) 834-5172.
If you need assistance relocating large animals, the Los Angeles Equestrian Center, located at 480 Riverside Dr, Burbank, is available.
The National Weather Service has issued the following:  

  • Red Flag Warning through 1/23/25 at 8 pm – Northeast winds will peak at 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 50 mph Wednesday afternoon through Thursday, after a lull later Tuesday into Wednesday. Daily minimum humidity of 2 to 10 percent common with very poor to minimal overnight recoveries. If fire ignition occurs, conditions are favorable for extreme fire behavior and rapid fire growth, which would threaten life and property. See and for information.

For the latest updates on the wind and fire advisories, please visit


Smoke advisories are issued for large fires in or near the South Coast AQMD jurisdiction and are intended to provide a summary of current/past air quality and provide predictions of future smoke impacts. Even in areas far from fires or areas not covered by a smoke advisory, if you can smell smoke or see ash from a wildfire, avoid or limit outdoor activities. For information about the effects of wildfires on your health, and how to reduce exposures, please see the AQMD website Wildfire Smoke & Ash Health & Safety Tips page.

Click Here for Current Smoke Advisory


On Friday, January 10, 2025, Public Health declared a local health emergency in Los Angeles County and issued an order temporarily banning the use of air blowing devices, like leaf blowers. The recent strong winds and fires have caused hazardous air quality, increased ash, and debris, and disrupted essential health services. During the fire recovery and cleanup, air blowers are prohibited throughout the county until the Health Officer determines it is safe to use them without harming public health. Ash is like a fine, dangerous dust that can be inhaled deep into the lungs and can cause major problems everywhere it lands. It’s not just dirt.



Wildfire smoke can cause unhealthy air quality in areas many miles away from the fire. Smoke conditions change quickly, so check your air quality using the South Coast AQMD app or on the AQMD interactive map. Older adults, young children, pregnant women, and people with heart diseases or lung diseases (such as asthma) may be especially sensitive to health risks from wildfire smoke.

If you smell smoke, see smoke near ground level, or see ash due to a wildfire, here are ways to limit your exposure:

  • Remain indoors with windows and doors closed or seek alternate shelter.
  • Avoid vigorous physical activity.
  • Run your air conditioner if you have one and make sure it has a clean filter. Close the fresh air intake if your air conditioner has the option so that it is recirculating the indoor air to prevent bringing additional smoke inside. A higher efficiency filter (i.e. higher MERV rating) will filter out more smoke particles than a low efficiency one.
  • Create a space in your home with filtered air, by using a portable high-efficiency or HEPA air cleaner while keeping doors and windows closed. This can be a room where you spend a lot of time, such as a bedroom. More information about air filters and air cleaners can be found here: Fact Sheet on Indoor Air Filtration.
  • If you can stay cool without them, avoid using a whole-house fan or a swamp cooler with an outside air intake.
  • Avoid using indoor or outdoor wood-burning appliances, including fireplaces. Avoid combustion sources inside the home such as candles and incense that could further degrade indoor air quality.
  • If you must be outdoors in smoky conditions, keep it brief, and use a disposable respirator (N-95 or P-100). These respirators can offer some protection from smoke particles if they are worn properly and have a tight fit. Do not rely on surgical masks or cloth masks for protection. Information about using respirators to protect from wildfire smoke or ash can be found here: Fact Sheet on Respirators
  • Commercial building managers should follow their Smoke Readiness Plan. Guidance on developing a plan can be found here:


The City Council is seeking input from the community to better understand resident satisfaction from the past year and to help prioritize projects and programs for 2025.
Please complete this short, 10 minute survey by February 28, 2025, to be entered into a drawing to win a $100 gift card. Your identity will be kept confidential.

graphic of San Fernando City Hall with cartoon employees holding a banner; How are we doing?; PLEASE COMPLETE OUR 2025 COMMUNITY SURVEY; CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY


El Concejo Municipal de San Fernando busca su opinion para mejor entender la satisfacción del año pasado y ayudar a dar prioridad a proyectos y programas para el año 2025.
Complete esta breve encuesta de 10 minutos antes del 28 de february del 2025 para participar en un sorteo y ganar una tarjeta de regalo de $100. Su identidad se mantendrá confidencial.

graphic of San Fernando City Hall with cartoon employees holding a banner; How are we doing?; PLEASE COMPLETE OUR 2025 COMMUNITY SURVEY; CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY
Report Illegal Fireworks CLICK HERE

Fireworks are Illegal in the City of San Fernando! Violators may be fined up to $3,000.  


We now have two methods to report fireworks in progress: 

(non-emergency line)
(818) 898-1267

Please DO NOT call 911 to report illegal fireworks. It is important that we keep 911 telephone lines clear for life-threatening emergencies.


Several San Fernando residents have reported that they’ve received calls from individuals impersonating agencies such as the City of San Fernando, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), among others. Don’t be a victim of this scam! No legitimate agency will ask for your personal information, or payment over the phone. LEARN MORE
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