tel. (818) 898-1200      117 Macneil Street, San Fernando, CA 91340


The City is resurfacing eight of its City-owned parking lots from February 2025 through the end of March 2025, weather permitting.

  • Parking Lot 3 – 1131 Pico Street
  • Parking Lot 6N – 1000 First Street
  • Parking Lot 7 – 1200 Truman Street
  • Parking Lot 8 – 1010 Celis Street
  • Parking Lot 9 – 1001 Hollister Street
  • Parking Lot 10 – 1000 Celis Street
  • CITY Hall Parking Lot – 117 Macneil Street
  • Police Department Parking Lot – 910 First Street 

During this time, the City’s contractor will be shutting down sections of parking lots for roughly eight hours so that they can make repairs to the asphalt, crack seal and overlay (Lots 7, 10, City Hall and Police), and restripe the affected areas.



February 19-20, 2025:

  • CITY Hall Parking Lot – 117 Macneil Street
  • Police Department Parking Lot – 910 First Street   

February 20-21, 2025:

  • Parking Lot 7 – 1200 Truman Street
  • Parking Lot 10 – 1000 Celis Street  

February 24-25, 2025:

  • Parking Lot 8 – 1010 Celis Street
  • Parking Lot 9 – 1001 Hollister Street  

February 26-27, 2025:

  • Parking Lot 3 – 1131 Pico Street
  • Parking Lot 6N – 1000 First Street  


Below, please find some common questions about the Slurry Seal that is used to preserve streets that are in fair to good condition.

How is the Fog Seal different than traditional asphalt paving?

With traditional asphalt paving, the top surface of the asphalt is ground away and a new asphalt surface is added. This is typically done on surfaces that have significant wear, cracking, and potholes. Fog seal is used as a preservation treatment on surfaces that are in fair to good condition. It is a coating that seals all cracks, preventing further deterioration and development of potholes.

What work is involved as part of the project?

Four lots (Lot 7, Lot 10, San Fernando Police and City Hall) will undergo a repaving of the lots and restriping of the stalls. The remaining four lots (Lot 3, Lot 8, Lot 6N, Lot 9) will have asphalt repairs made and restriping of the affected stalls only.

When is it safe to drive on the new surface?

Once the contractor has opened the roadway at the end of the workday, it is safe to drive. Until the contractor removes the barriers closing the parking lot, it is important that all pedestrians and motorists stay off the surface until it has properly cured.

The surface looks rough and I can see imperfections like the wheel tracks from the contractor’s equipment. Is this how it will always look?

When the fog seal lays down it shows the workmanship of the contractor for a few months. With time and especially when the summer months come along and the road surface starts to heat up, the material will settle and smooth out more as vehicles and street sweepers pass over the surface.

When will parking stalls and pavement markings be repainted?

The application of thermoplastic paint will take place approximately one week after the pavement application. Doing it any sooner may cause the paint to bleed into the newly paved surface.


CITY HALL | Public Works Department
117 Macneil Street, San Fernando, CA 91340
(818) 898-1222 
Wendell Johnson, Director of Public Works
(818) 898-1222 |  
To Request Service  
For General Information |
GRAFFITI HOTLINE | (818) 898-7315 |


Monday through Thursday | 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Friday | 8 am to 5 pm

(818) 898-1267

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