tel. (818) 898-1200      117 Macneil Street, San Fernando, CA 91340


Phase 2 Annual Street Resurfacing Notice
Phase 2 Annual Street Resurfacing Notice_Spanish

The City is currently working on streets that are moderately to significantly deteriorated with cracks and potholes by treating them with a robust two- and three-step slurry seal process for streets. These are streets that typically require an overlay treatment. This two- and three-step process involves multiple layers of asphalt slurry that help to fill, level, and create a more acceptable travel surface to the road at a significant reduction in price, when compared to traditional overlays. 

Approximately six miles of streets will be paved using the two- and three-step slurry process by June 2023. The list and map of streets to be resurfaced as part of Phase 2 can be seen below.



Below, please find the tentative schedule for the slurry seal. Check back for updates.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

  • Orange Grove Avenue: Mission City Bike Trail to Fifth Street
  • Knox Street: West City Limit to Orange Grove Avenue
  • Fayecroft Street: Lucas Street to Donnaglen Avenue
  • Donnaglen Avenue: Fayecroft Street to Dead End
  • Lucas Street: West City Limit  to Meyer Street 


Wednesday, May 31, 2023

  • Knox Street: Orange Grove Avenue to Harding Avenue
  • Fermoore Drive: N Workman Street to Fermoore Street
  • Fermoore Street: Seventh Street to Fermoore Drive
  • Mountain View Street: Harding Avenue to Maclay Avenue
  • Lucas Street: N Brand Boulevard  to Newton Street
  • Griswold Avenue: Glenoaks Boulevard to Seventh Street


Thursday, June 1, 2023

  • Seventh Street: Macneil Street to Newton Street
  • Seventh Street: Harding Avenue to N Maclay Avenue
  • Alexander Street: Fifth Street to Lucas Street
  • Griswold Avenue: Fifth Street to De Haven Street
  • Griswold Avenue: De Haven Street to Glenoaks Boulevard*


Friday, June 2, 2023

  • Griswold Avenue: De Haven Street to Glenoaks Boulevard*
  • Arroyo Avenue: Glenoaks Boulevard to Eighth Street*
  • Orange Grove Avenue: Fifth Street to Eighth Street
  • Newton Street: Glenoaks Boulevard to Seventh Street
  • Jessie Street: Fourth Street to Fifth Street
  • Harding Avenue: Glenoaks Boulevard to Seventh Street


*This street will be partially closed to allow for vehicular traffic during construction



Monday, June 5, 2023

  • Arroyo Avenue: Fifth Street to Eighth Street*
  • Chivers Street:  West City Limit to Orange Grove Avenue
  • De Garmo Street: Arroyo Avenue to East City Limit
  • Fifth Street: Arroyo Avenue to East City Limit*
  • Phillippi Street: West City Limit to Orange Grove Avenue


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

  • Fifth Street: Arroyo Avenue to East City Limit*
  • Eighth Street: N Maclay Avenue to Newton Street*
  • Eighth Street: Arroyo Avenue to Aviation Place*
  • Griswold Avenue: Seventh Street to End
  • Harding Avenue: Seventh Street to Eighth Street
  • Huntington Street: Seventh Street to Phillippi Street
  • Newton Street: Seventh Street to End
  • Phillippi Street:Orange Grove Avenue to Huntington Street


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

  • De Haven Street: N Brand Boulevard to Griswold Avenue
  • De Garmo Street: N Brand Boulevard to Griswold Avenue
  • Eighth Street: N Maclay Avenue to Newton Street*
  • Eighth Street: Arroyo Avenue to Aviation Place*
  • Seventh Street: Shadow Lane to Fermoore Street
  • Seventh Street: N Maclay Avenue to Macneil Street
  • Seventh Street: Newton Street to Griswold Avenue
  • Woodworth Street: S Workman Street to Cul-de-sac
  • N Workman Street: Fifth Street to Glenoaks Boulevard


Thursday, June 8, 2023

  • Arroyo Avenue: Fifth Street to Glenoaks Boulevard
  • Eighth Street: N Maclay Avenue to Newton Street*
  • Eighth Street: Arroyo Avenue to Aviation Place*
  • Meyer Street: Warren Street to Lucas Street
  • Seventh Street: West City Limit to Shadow Lane
  • Warren Street: N Workman Street to N Meyer Street


Friday, June 9, 2023

  • Fermoore Street: Glenoaks Boulevard to Lucas Street
  • Hagar Street: Glenoaks Boulevard to Lucas Street
  • Huntington Street: Warren Street to Lucas Street
  • Lucas Street: Orange Grove Avenue to N Meyer Street
  • Seventh Street: Harding Avenue to Fermoore Street
  • Shadow Lane: Seventh Street to End
  • N Workman Street: Seventh Street to Fermoore Drive
  • Arroyo Avenue: Fifth Street Glenoaks Boulevard*


*A lane of travel will be open during construction


The City is resurfacing approximately 6 miles of streets from May 2023 through the end of June 2023. During this time, the City’s contractor will be shutting down sections of streets for roughly eight hours so that they can spread the slurry seal on the street surface and allow time for it to cure properly.

Here are some common questions about the Slurry Seal that is used to preserve streets that are in fair to good condition.

How is the Slurry Seal different than traditional asphalt paving?

With traditional asphalt paving, the top surface of the asphalt is ground away and a new asphalt surface is added. This is typically done on streets that have significant wear, cracking, and potholes. Slurry seal is used as a preservation treatment on streets that are in fair to good condition. It is ¼” coating that seals all cracks, preventing further deterioration and development of potholes. A drive driving surface is created by the slurry seal coat.

When is it safe to drive on the new surface?

Once the contractor has opened the street at the end of the workday, it is safe to drive. Until the contractor removes the barriers closing the streets, it is important that all pedestrians and motorists stay off the surface until it has properly cured.

The slurry seal looks rough and I can see imperfections in the surface like the wheel tracks from the contractors equipment. Is this how it will always look?

When the slurry seal lays down it shows the workmanship of the contractor for a few months. With time and especially when the summer months come along and the road surface starts to heat up, the material will settle and smooth out more as vehicles and street sweepers pass over the surface.

When will the lane markings and stop lines be repainted on the surface?

We anticipate that striping and marking of the roads will happen in June 2023.


CITY HALL | Public Works Department
117 Macneil Street, San Fernando, CA 91340
(818) 898-1222 
Wendell Johnson, Director of Public Works
(818) 898-1222 |  
To Request Service  
For General Information |
GRAFFITI HOTLINE | (818) 898-7315 |


Monday through Thursday | 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Friday | 8 am to 5 pm

(818) 898-1267

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