The mission of the Administrative Services Department is to efficiently and effectively support the organization by planning and monitoring of the City’s fiscal affairs; collaborating with City departments to attract and retain a highly qualified workforce who strive to deliver exceptional quality service to the public; and supporting, securing and monitoring technology and network systems for the City. The Department’s emphasis is to streamline processes, optimize resources, and foster a conducive work environment, ultimately contributing to the overall success and growth of the organization.
The Administrative Services Department consists of three divisions: Finance Administration, Human Resources and Information Technology. The Administrative Services Department is responsible for a broad range of activities, including cash management, procurement of goods and services, utility billing, payroll preparation, recruitment and employee selection coordination, personnel records management, employee benefits programs administration, network analysis, and hardware/software support and management.
The Administrative Services Department is committed to providing the highest level of administrative, financial and information technology services to our customers, both internal and external, utilizing collaborative teamwork that emphasizes honesty, integrity, efficiency and transparency.
Below you will find key services provided to residents of the City of San Fernando as well as easy ways to pay certain permits and citations.
CITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 |
CLICK HERE for more information on all utility services in the City of San Fernando
- Save time
- Write fewer checks
- Bills are paid even if you are out of town
- Save on postage
- Avoid late charges
- Easy enrollment
Notice: There are “NO” other agencies authorized to receive payments on behalf of the City of San Fernando. If paid elsewhere, the City is not responsible if payment is delayed and the penalty cannot be removed because the bill was not received. The City works with Sequoia Financial Services to collect delinquent accounts.
How do I sign-up for AutoPay?
Complete the application and submit to the Finance Department. Click here to download an Autopay Application
What services are included in my utility bill?
Your utility bill includes charges for water and sewer.
When will I receive my bill?
Bills will come in the first ten days of odd/even/every month(s)
Non-delivery by post office is not a valid excuse for not paying on time
Please telephone us at (818)893-1213 for a duplicate bill before the end of the month
When is a bill payment considered late and what are the fees?
A bill payment is considered late when it is not paid or post marked by the due date indicated on your bill. There is no grace period.
The first bill that you will receive in the mail is colored blue. If you fail to pay this on time you will receive a green bill.
The green bill will include a 10% penalty. If you fail to pay this bill on time you will receive a red bill.
The red bill is a shut-off notice and will include a $10.00 fee for the process and delivery of the notice. If you fail to pay by 9:00 am on shut-off day, your water will be shut-off and there will be an additional $40.00 turn-on fee, an additional deposit may be required and all payments must be made with cash on shut-off day.
How do I discontinue service?
The City of Sn Fernando makes it easy for you to close your account. Just call (818) 898-1213 or come into City Hall and provide the following information:
Account number or address to be closed.
Date to close account (excluding Fridays, weekends, and holidays).
Forwarding address and telephone number.
CONTACT INFORMATIONLuz Cruz, Treasurer Assistant
(818) 898-1208 | LCruz@sfcity.orgREGULAR BUSINESS HOURS -
Annual Alarm Permit Fee | $30 |
False Alarm Charge | Free (first two) $253 each (three to six) $506 each (seven and each additional) |
False Alarm for Robbery Activation (Panic Button) | $253 each |
Semi-Annual Billing (if directly wired to the Police Department) | $230 (business) $115 (residential) |
No Permit on File Fee | $60 |
Do I need an Alarm Permit for my home or business security system?
Yes. Every resident and business owner must obtain an alarm permit from the City if they have active alarm system.
What does "False Alarm" mean?
False alarm means an activated alarm signal, which is responded to by the Police Department, for which no emergency situation exists.
How often do I pay for the Alarm Permit?
The Alarm Permit is renewable every year. The permits are issued based on the City’s Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30).
Do I receive a Permit Certificate?
Yes. An Alarm Permit Certificate will be mailed to you annually to display at your residence and/or business location.
How do I avoid false alarm charges?
In order to avoid charges for false alarm responses, please ensure that your alarm equipment is functioning correctly and that your family and/or employees are accurately trained and know how to operate the device effectively.
How do I avoid paying additional fees?
Avoid paying a $50 No Permit On File Fee by contacting the City to request an Alarm Permit Application today!
Sandra Soto, Senior Account Clerk
(818) 898-1245 |
Visit for information on Metro bus fares.
CITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 |
CITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 |
For urgent parking matters, for example someone blocking a driveway, please call the Police Communications Center at (818) 898-1267.
Parking Citations may be paid at the Administrative Services Counter during regular business hours. If you have received a parking citation and wish to dispute it, you may do so online or US mail. Appeals must be submitted within 21 days, otherwise, your right to appeal will expire. Once you have appealed the citation and would like to provide additional information, please feel free to email us via the below link.
Please Note: There is no street sweeping and parking enforcement on holidays.
P.O. Box 2081 Tustin, Ca 92781
CITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 |
- Verify Zoning Compliance
- Obtain Proper Permits
- Establish Water and Sewer Services
- Apply for a Business License
- Address changes require updated Business License and new Occupancy Permit
- Renaming a business requires a new Business LicenseCONTACT INFORMATION
(818) 898-1211 |
The following questions can help assess whether you need a license.
- Am I involved in the retail or wholesale selling of merchandise, equipment or other material items?
- Am I leasing equipment or other items to others?
- Am I receiving revenue from the rental of living accommodations?
- Am I receiving rental revenue from property used by others to conduct business?
- Do I have a California State Contractor’s License?
- Am I in a profession that requires special certification or licensing?
- Am I engaged in any activities which may be perceived by others to be of a “business” nature?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you need a City business license.
The process is simple! Below, you will find the steps you should complete before applying for a City Business License.
Step 1: Verifying the Zoning Requirements, Business Signage and Parking Standards
Contact the Planning Division to obtain a Commercial Occupancy Permit Application and get other related information: (818) 898-1227
Step 2: File a Fictitious Business Name Statement
It is recommended that you call the Los Angeles County Clerk’s Office to determine if the business name is already in use: (800) 201-8999 or visit
Contact any newspaper; the newspaper will file your DBA statement and publish your new business name
Step 3: Obtain a State Board of Equalization (SBOE) Resale Permit, If Required
Required for “selling or acquiring any tangible items for repair or use in the business”
Contact the SBOE to file the proper Sales Tax Forms and obtain Labor Standards for Employees: (661) 222-6000 or visit
The permit must show the City of San Fernando business address
Step 4: Obtain a Federal Tax Identification Number
Contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for your employer identification number. They also provide seminars for new businesses. For additional information and required forms, visit
Step 5: Obtain a Business License
Contact the City of San Fernando Business Support Center to obtain a Business License and determine the fee amount. The fee depends on the location and type of business: (818) 898-1211 or
A $22 processing fee is charged to all new and renewing accounts
Depending on your type of business, you may be required to provide any of the following documents:
County Health Permit
Alcoholic Beverage Control Permit
State Contractor’s License
Establishment and Cosmetology License
Bureau of Automotive Repair License
You will need the following information to complete the Business License Application:
Business Name and Address
Business Telephone Number
Description of the Business
Property Owner’s Information
Social Security Number
Federal Tax ID Number
Driver’s License
Articles of Incorporation, if applicable
Alarm Company Information
Step 6: Obtain an Alarm Permit for the Business
You are required to obtain an alarm permit if you have an active alarm system at the place of business
Contact the Finance Department for the application, requirements and more information: (818) 898-1245
The fee is $25 each fiscal year (July through June)
Step 7: Sign Up for Water, Sewer, and Refuse Services
A deposit is required for all new applicants
Contact the Utility Billing Division for additional information: (818) 898-1213
Important Contact Information When Establishing a Business or Expanding your Existing Business
SELLER’S PERMIT State Board of Equalization
505 N. Brand Blvd., Suite 700, Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 543-4900 |
25360 Magic Mountain Parkway, Suite 330, Santa Clarita, CA 91355
(661) 222-6000 | TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Internal Revenue Service
6230Van Nuys Blvd., Van Nuys, CA
(800) 829-3676 | www.irs.govGARMENT INSPECTION Los Angeles Department of Health Service
2525 Corporate Place, Monterey Park, CA 91754
(213) 881-4029SMOG CHECK Bureau of Automotive Repair (State Department)
27202 Turnberry Lane, Suite 250, Valencia, CA 91355
(661) 702-6600 | LOCATIONS AND PUSH CARTS Los Angeles County Health Department
6851 Lennox Avenue, Suite 305, Van Nuys, CA 91405
(818) 902-4460 | www.lapublichealth.orgVEHICLE INSPECTION PROGRAM – CATERING TRUCKS Los Angeles County Health Department
5050 Commerce Drive, Baldwin Park, CA 91706
(626) 430-5500FICTITIOUS NAME FILING San Fernando Sun Newspaper Or Any Newspaper
601 S. Brand Blvd., Suite 202, San Fernando, CA 91340
(818) 365-3111COPY OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Secretary of State – Los Angeles Regional Office
(213) 897-3062 | LICENSE & COSMETOLOGY/BARBER LICENSE California Board of Barbering & Cosmetology
(916) 574-7570 | INFORMATIONCITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 | Finance@sfcity.orgREGULAR BUSINESS HOURS -
The following documents must be presented:
- State Board of Equalization Seller’s Permit with name and swap meet address
- Valid California Driver’s License
- Social Security Card
The following fees apply for first time vendors:
- Vendor Occupancy Permit: $26.45
- Business License: $79.00
To renew the business license, each Swap Meet vendor must apply, in-person at City Hall, bring all the documents listed above and report the gross receipts for the preceding year.
The fee for the renewal license will be based on the gross receipts reported as follows:
- $50.00 from $0.00 to $25,000.00 of Gross Receipts
- $1.20 per $1,000.00 in excess of $25,000.00 (up to $1,000,000.00)
- $0.60 per $1,000.00 in excess of $1,000,000.00
Additional Fees, include:
- $25.00 Processing Fee
Sandra Soto, Senior Account Clerk
(818) 898-1245 | SSoto@sfcity.orgREGULAR BUSINESS HOURS
CLICK HERE to be redirected to the Community Development page
CITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 |
CITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 |
Click here to be directed to the State of California Department of Industrial Relations webpage
CITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 |
CITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 |
Erica D. Melton, Director of Administrative Services/City Treasurer
(818) 898-1212 |
The City Treasurer is responsible for managing the City’s investment portfolio in accordance with Federal and State laws as well as the investment policy. The City strives to maintain an appropriate level of investment of all funds through daily and projected cash flow determinations. Idle cash management and investment transactions are the responsibility of the City Treasurer in consultation with the Finance Director.
The basic premise underlying the City’s investment philosophy is, and will continue to be, to ensure that money is always safe and available when needed.
Erica D. Melton, Director of Administrative Services/City Treasurer
(818) 898-1212 |
To receive payment from the City of San Fernando for goods and services, you must:
- Have a Business License and W-9 Form on file with the City.
- Remit an original invoice (not a statement) to the Accounts Payable Division at the address below with the purchase order number, correct pricing, description of product or service, and period covered.
- City payment terms are net 30 days provided that all required approvals are received. Checks are released and mailed USPS first class on the first and third Wednesday of each month unless other arrangements are made.
If for some reason a City-issued check is lost, a duplicate check may be issued by having a notarized affidavit filed with the City.
CONTACT INFORMATIONCITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 | Finance@sfcity.orgREGULAR BUSINESS HOURS
Some of our IT Services include:
- Cybersecurity
- IT Project Management
- Technology Procurement & Contract Management
- Policy & Governance
- Hardware and Software Maintenance and Management
- Technology Adoption and Training
The Information Technology Division strives to create a resilient and modern technology infrastructure capable of delivering City services effectively to constituents, internal staff, and external stakeholders. The City’s IT Staff strives to deliver customer-friendly support that facilitates both the adoption and consumption of technology services. Information Technology services are provided through a competitively procured professional services contract with an IT Managed Services Provider.
CONTACT INFORMATIONCITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
Art Ziyalov, IT Systems Administrator
(818) 898-1207 | AZiyalov@sfcity.orgREGULAR BUSINESS HOURS
The links in this section may redirect you to other websites that are not managed by the City of San Fernando. The City of San Fernando is not responsible for the content published on external websites.
Cybersecurity for your Family
Basic Cyber Safety
Online Security Advice For All Digital Citizens (Download PDF Tip Sheet)
Basic Tips and Advice (Download PDF Tip Sheet)
Cyber Safety Tips
Tips for Passwords and Securing Your Accounts (Download PDF Tip Sheet)
Tech Tips for Mobile Devices (Download PDF Tech Tips)
Counterintelligence Tips on Mobile Device Safety (Download Tips)
Counterintelligence Tips on Social Media Safety (Download Tips)
Gaming Tips for Parents (Download PDF file)
Tips for Parents on Raising Privacy-Savvy Kids (Download PDF Tip Sheet)
Rethink Cyber Safety Rules and the “Tech Talk” with your Teens (Download Article)
Children and Teens
Gaming Tips for Kids Teens and Tweens (Download PDF file)
Privacy Tips for Teens (Download PDF Tip Sheet)
Online Safety For Older Adults (Download PDF Tips Sheet)
Education & Career
Software Engineering Institute – Carnegie Mellon University (CMU.EDU)
What is Data Privacy Infographic (Download PDF)
7 End User Data Privacy Tips Infographic (Download PDF)
Privacy Tips for Using Public Computers and Wireless Networks (Download PDF Tip Sheet)
Digital Declutter Checklist (Download PDF Checklist)
Do a Digital Declutter (Download PDF Tip Sheet)
Counterintelligence Tips Digital Footprint (Download Tip Sheet)
Cyber Safety for Events and Travel
Cyber Trip Advisor (Download PDF Tip Sheet)
Post Online About Your Wedding (Download PDF Tip Sheet)
When Planning Your Wedding Say Yes to Cyber Safety (Download Tip Sheet)
Counterintelligence Tips Safe Travels (Download Tips)
Cybersecurity for Small and Medium Businesses (SMB)
General Resources
Information Sharing and Analysis Centers
Tech Tips
Technology Checklist For Businesses (Download Tech Tips)
Alerts and Bulletins
Current Activity | CISA
Cybersecurity Awareness Resources
Free Publications to Share | Bulkorder (
Customer Privacy
5 Ways to Help Employees Be Privacy Aware (Download PDF)
What is Data Privacy Infographic (Download PDF)
Report an Incident
Incident Reporting System | CISA
Operational Technology (OT), Industrial Control Systems (TCS), & SCADA Resources
Resources to Report Cyber Crimes
Report Phishing Scams
You can forward suspected phishing emails to the following email addresses:
Any phishing emails claiming to be from the IRS can be forwarded to:
Tax Tips (Download Tax Tips PDF)
Stay Safe from Cybercrime During Tax Time (Download Tips Sheet)
Any Unsolicited Commercial Email (SPAM) can be reported to:
Counterintelligence Tips Spear Phishing (Download Tip Sheet)
Reporting Fraud and Scams
Report Fraud |
Reporting Mail and Postal Fraud
Report Mail Fraud & Postal Fraud | USPIS
Reporting Cyber Crime (If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call 911 or your local police department)
High Technology Theft Apprehension and Prosecution (HTTAP) Program | State of California – Department of Justice – Office of the Attorney General
Identity Theft
Identity Theft | State of California – Department of Justice – Office of the Attorney General
Report Ransomeware
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | Ransomware
File a Consumer Complaint
Federal Communications Commission Complaints
TV, Internet, Phone, Radio, Access for People with Disabilities, Emergency Communications
Tips for Safe Online Shopping (Download PDF Tip Sheet)
Report Protected Health Information Violation
Filing a HIPAA Complaint |
Report a Cyber Incident
Incident Reporting System |
Report Child Predators and Child Pornography
iGuardians™: Combating Child Predators | ICE
To report a crime, Child Exploitation/Pornography, Human Trafficking & Smuggling
Call 866-347-2423 (TTY for hearing impaired: 802-872-6196)
Or visit the ICE Tip Line
Submit a complaint with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)
Suspected child sexual exploitation or missing children may be reported to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, an Operation Predator partner, via its toll-free 24-hour hotline, 1-800-843-5678
CyberTipline (
NCMEC’s CyberTipline is the nation’s centralized reporting system for the online exploitation of children including child pornography.
Cyber Stalking
CONTACT INFORMATIONCITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 | Finance@sfcity.orgREGULAR BUSINESS HOURS -
The City of San Fernando utilizes the following enterprise software systems:SYSTEM VENDOR & PRODUCT SYSTEM PURPOSE TYPE OF DATA PRIMARY DEPARTMENT DATA IS COLLECTED SYSTEM IS UPDATED Tyler Technologies: Eden
Manage Accounting, Payroll, Human Resources, Purchasing, Accounts Payable, and Utility Billing functions Accounting Entries, Employee Information, Vendor Information, and Customer Information Finance Daily Monthly Progressive: Cashier Central
Cashiering System Daily Cash Receipts Finance Daily Monthly TimeClocks Plus: TimeClocks Plus
Employee Timekeeping and Time Management Employee Time Finance Daily Monthly Assetworks: Asset Max
Inventory Management Vehicle Part Inventory Public Works Daily Monthly Tri-Tech: RMS/CAD/Mobile
Records Management, Dispatch Management, In-car Patrol Information Management Crime Data/ Records/ 911 Call Data Police Daily Monthly ELMS: AIMS
Code Enforcement & Permit Tracking Zoning and Building Data Community Development Daily Monthly This information is being posted in accordance with the Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6270.5.
CONTACT INFORMATIONCITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 | Finance@sfcity.orgREGULAR BUSINESS HOURSWEBSITE POLICY
The following explains the City of San Fernando’s (“City”) policy regarding information provided to the public by, and through, the City’s official website, including external links, and information the public may supply to the City when visiting the City’s official website.PURPOSE:
The purpose of the City’s official website is to provide information about the operation of the City, clarify the functions of various City departments and services and provide guidance to members of the public who may desire or require City services. Information on the website is intended in every respect to be informational in nature. The City’s official website is a non-public forum and is not intended to directly or indirectly create a public forum or limited public forum, or to in any way invite discussion, discourse or dialogue.
In preparation of the City’s official website, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct and clearly expressed information possible. However, inadvertent errors, omissions or inaccuracies may occur. Therefore, the City, without limitation, disclaims the following: responsibility for typographical errors, interrupted or slow services, computer viruses or other harmful components affecting operation of hardware or software, and other defects that may be found on the City’s official website.
Moreover, the information, services, and data included on the City’s official website have been compiled by staff from a variety of sources and are subject to change without notice. The information, services and data are provided on an “as-is” basis. The City makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, or adequacy of such information, service and data and expressly disclaims all representations and warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to such information, services and data, including without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, and implied warranties arising from course of dealing or course of performance.
Lastly, the City is not responsible for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that may arise from the use, or the inability to use, the City’s official website and/or the materials contained on the City’s official website, whether the materials are provided by the City or by a third party.
References on the City’s official website to any specific commercial product, process, or service, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply City endorsement, recommendation, promotion, or favoring by the City.
Moreover, consistent with this website policy, the City may establish links to pages outside the City’s official website (“external links”). The presence of these external links should not be construed as an endorsement, recommendation, promotion or favoring by the City of these sites or their content.
The City may, from time to time, establish external links to other Web resources. The City’s sole purpose in establishing these external links is to provide information of a factual nature to visitors of the City’s official website. The City continues to maintain its official website as a non-public forum, does not intend to directly or indirectly create a public forum or limited public forum, and does not intend to invite public discourse, discussion or dialogue by establishing said external links, regardless of the nature of the external link.
To avoid any perception that the City endorses or provides favorable treatment to any private person or business enterprise, no corporate or commercial logos or direct links to vendor sites will be allowed on the City’s official website. Consistent with this policy, only links to the following will be permitted by the City:
- Chamber of Commerce, or Visitor’s Bureau;
- Other governmental agencies;
- Hospitals;
- Museums, libraries, historical organizations and similar kinds of established, bona fide organizations that provide cultural resources to residents and visitors of the City;
- Public and private, bona fide educational institutions as defined in the Education Code, located within Los Angeles County;
- Entities and organizations whose primary purpose is to provide the location, telephone and/or description of City hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions and similar kinds of activities; and
- Webpages that contain the live-streaming of City meetings that are open to the public, or contain recorded versions of the same, but excluding homepages for such entities and organizations providing and/or sponsoring these webpages.
Entities and organizations wishing to establish external links on the City’s official website must seek prior approval. The City reserves the right to deny an external link application as to any entity or organization that, upon complete review of the application, (1) does not meet the criteria set forth in this policy, (2) fails to provide all required information in the application, and/or (3) fails to provide truthful information in the application. Moreover, City reserves the right to remove an external link if the nature of the entity or organization to which the link relates no longer complies with this policy. This policy may be revised without prior written notice when to do so will be in the best interests of the City.
Every reasonable effort will be made to maintain the privacy of information provided to the City through its official website. Unless information provided to the City through the City’s official website is disclosable or required to be disclosed pursuant to federal, State or other legal authority, such information will not be disseminated to third parties.
Use of the City’s official website shall be construed as acceptance of these website policies.
CONTACT INFORMATIONCITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 | Finance@sfcity.orgREGULAR BUSINESS HOURS
The Administrative Services Department oversees employee time reports, paycheck processing, tax withholding, pension reporting and assists units in adhering to policies and procedures consistent with all Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) provisions, State and Federal laws and pay practices negotiated with unions representing various bargaining units.CONTACT INFORMATIONAdriana Alaniz, Payroll Technician
(818) 898-1216 | AAlaniz@sfcity.orgREGULAR BUSINESS HOURSPURCHASING
The City of San Fernando strives to acquire all goods and services in the right quality and quantity, on a timely basis, as efficiently as possible, and at the lowest overall cost. To achieve this objective, the City’s goal is to encourage competition amongst its vendors, fairness in providing access to city business by vendors, and integrity by City staff when dealing with the purchasing process.The City has both formal and informal procurement procedures.
- The formal contract procedure (sealed bid) process is to be used when the estimated value of needed equipment, materials, supplies or maintenance service contract is $25,000.00 or greater. See Municipal Section Code 21A.14
- The informal contract procedure process is to be used when the estimated value of needed equipment, materials, supplies or maintenance service contract is less than $25,000.00. See Municipal Section code 21A.15 for details and exceptions.
- RFP’s & Current Bid Opportunities The purchasing website lists upcoming and current bids for contracts in excess of $25,000. The city makes so many purchases less than $25,000 that the best way to find out about these purchases is to remain in contact with the various user departments.CONTACT INFORMATION
Sandra Franco-Rivas, Senior Account Clerk
(818) 898-7345 | SRivas@sfcity.orgREGULAR BUSINESS HOURS
The Administrative Services Department provides all finance administration services for the Successor Agency to the San Fernando Redevelopment Agency as well as staff support for the Oversight Board to the San Fernando Redevelopment Agency.CONTACT INFORMATIONCITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
The Administrative Services Department is the custodian of the City’s financial data and holds primary responsibility for internal and external financial reporting. The City has received various awards for excellence in financial reporting and budgeting by national and state professional finance officer organizations. A number of useful documents can be accessed below, including the annual City Budget, audited financial statements, and special reports and presentations.Adopted City Budget
Budget Presentations
Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Fiscal Year 2017-2018
After declaring a fiscal emergency in June 2013, 60% of San Fernando voters approved an additional 0.5% local Sales Tax (Measure A), resulting in a 10% total Sales Tax in San Fernando. Consequently, the City currently receives 1.5% of the 10% Transaction Tax. To put this into perspective, for every $1.00 in Sales Tax paid in San Fernando, the City receives 15 cents and state/County agencies receive the remaining 85 cents.Click Here to be redirected to the Measure A page for more information, annual reports, presentations and how you can serve on the Measure A Community Advisory Committee.
CONTACT INFORMATIONCITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
(818) 898-1212 | Finance@sfcity.orgREGULAR BUSINESS HOURSAPPLICATIONS & FORMS
CITY HALL | Administrative Services Department
117 Macneil Street, San Fernando, CA 91340Erica D. Melton, Director of Administrative Services/City Treasurer
(818) 898-1212 | -